Re: Бл. Епископы Игнатий и Феофанъ Затворникъ объ ангелахъ

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Отправлено чтецъ Михаилъ 03:30:54 25/01/1999
в ответ на: Бл. Епископы Игнатий и Феофанъ Затворникъ объ ангелахъ, отправлено чтецъ Михаилъ 08:38:36 24/01/1999:

> На одномъ изъ православныхъ форумахъ недавно подверглись уничтожабщей критике взгляды Бл. Епископа Игнатия Кавказскаго о относительной телесности ангеловъ, въ частности его книга "Слово о смерти".   
> Насколько мне помнилось, между двумя указанными архиереями была при жизни полемика на эту тему, такъ что бл. Феофанъ обвинялъ бл. Игнатия въ ереси.  Но мне казалось, что читалъ то ли въ переписке между ними, то ли еще где-то, что первый изъ нихъ потомъ призналъ правоту второго.  Между темъ на этомъ форуме предъявили след. цитату изъ журнала "Домашняя беседа" (далее отрывокъ изъ переписки): 
>>I believe someone has misled you(whether through ignorance or malice >I do 
> not know) about the debate between St. Theophan and Ignatius. So far as I 
>>know St. Theophan NEVER took back his crushing refutation of Bishop 
> Ignatius work "Homily on Death." Here is what St. Theophan said about whay 
> he wrote this refutation, "to unmask the falsity of the position contained 
> in these brochures, OBLITERATING the unpleasant impression which they 
> PRODUCE and "dispersing the heavy DARKNESS which they bring about. . . 
> this novel teaching should vanish as the ignis fatuus vanishes. . ."(Ignis 
> Fatuus is a phosphorescence which hovers over swamps and marshes at night, 
> produced by rotting matter) Againt Theophan: "a scandal presented by the 
> novel teaching which these brochures preach clothing their teaching in the 
> guise of Orthodoxy."(In St. Theophan's refutation on Ignatius's "A Word on 
> Death")  
> St. Theophan also said that he "examined all the 
> proofs and presentations of articles in favor of this view[Ignatius], to 
> the smallest details, and NOWHERE did I find support for it. . ." 
> (Domashniaia Beseda, 1869, Pt. 1, pp 5-6). 
> This is 1869, 3 years after Bishop Ignatius died. So, it appears that St. 
> Theophan never changed his mind. If he did, prove it. Show it to us. St. 
> Theophan was the most brilliant and Patristic minded Father of modern 
> times. Personally, I'd take his word over St. Ignatius's. Both because it 
> makes more sense to me and I trust St. Theophan's breadth of Patristic 
> scholarship over anyone of his times(if one where to research St. 
> Theophan's knowledge on this I can assure you that what i say here is 
> hardly an opinion) 
> Млжетъ быть у кого-ниб. есть подъ рукой источники, могущие подтвердить или опровергнуть приведенное выше мнение? 
> Во Христе, 
> нед.ч.Михаилъ

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