Пост, посвящённый Косовским событиям

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Отправлено Виталий Харитонов 20:31:39 21/01/1999:

Друзья, мне, как одному из администраторов форума на e-groups, пришло сообщение: 
"His Holliness Patriarch of Serbia, mr Pavle, declared a special 7 day fast 
for all the members of the Serbian Orthodox Church, because of the Kosovo 
catastrophee. The fast begins today (8th/21st January) and lasts until St 
Sava of Serbia day (14th/27th January), with hopes that God will grant mercy 
to the suffering people of Kosovo, both Orthodox and Moslem, and move away 
the threat of continuation and outburst of even bigger destruction and 
blodshed. The Holy land of Kosovo, bearing more than 1500 ancient 
sanctities, Othodox monasteries, temples and hermitages in the area of 11 
thousand square kilometers (100x100km), is greatly endangered, as well as 
all of it's inhabitants, Orthodox Christian Serbs and Moslem Albanians. 
Entire Serbian nation and Church is under a threat of great destruction by 
the intervention of NATO forces. 
We call all the members of Serbian Church, as well as all our brothers and 
sisters from other Orthodox Churches to join this fast and prayers for the 
cease of the catastrophee and salvation of people and sanctities of Kosovo 
and Serbia. 
So help us, God!" 
На странице Сербского Патриархата эта новость пока не подтвердилась, но страница это редко обновляется. Так что, возможно, мы одни из первых в России, кто об этом узнал.

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