Отправлено Александр Иванов, православный христианин, РПЦ, 19:11:25 27/10/2001в ответ на: Спасибо, отправлено (-), отправлено Александр Иванов, православный христианин, РПЦ, 16:53:56 26/10/2001Все американские респонденты единодушно направили меня к Стивену Хассену. От него пришел ответ. Кое-что я понял, но не все. Буду благодарен за перевод текста письма на русский. ****** I would suggest that you read carefully through our Moon organization page. There are no court documents that I am aware of regarding Moon's depravity and polygamy. There are 80 pages of an official US congressional investigation that is quite damning- including Korean CIA involvement and systematic violations of numerous U. S. laws- including laws that he ultimately was convicted on (conspiracy to evade Federal taxes) where he went to jail and served 13 months in prison. The Moonies have tried desperately to make it look like he was innocent and was a victim of religious persecution (even paying a journalist to write the book, Inquisition). However, Moon's guilt was confrimed when it was proven that there was a second set of accounting records done by the group which were stupidly done on paper whose watermarks showed that the paper was not even manufactured for the years the records were supposedly of. There is a book in Korean and Japanese by a woman (one of the original 36 blessed couples) who allege that Moon had sex with her and the other women, in order to «purify» them sexually. We also know that Moon was married before and also had a child out of wedlock with another woman. He is officially married to Hak Cha Han (his current wife). There is ample material on my web site and other links to sites (like www.xmoonies.com) which can help your friend. The problem you will most probably be up against is his indoctrination to distrust any information against the group as «Satanic.» Your friend needs to know that God is a God of truth, love and goodness- and he need not fear using his God-given ability to think for himself. The facts speak for themselves. Good luck, Steven Hassan Resource Center http://www.freedomofmind.com
- Re: Ответ Стивена Хассена Алексей Чумаков, православный христианин, 20:54 27 октября 2001 (0)
- Спасибо! Александр Иванов, православный христианин, РПЦ, 06:57 28 октября 2001 (0)
- Я еще в начале 1990-х читал книгу какой-то экс-жены Муна, там много неожиданного было Обскурант, весьма обскурантское, 21:21 27 октября 2001 (0)
- Поправка: не жены, а невестки Обскурант, весьма обскурантское, 21:23 27 октября 2001 (0)
- Если бы Вы могли найти этот материал! (+) Александр Иванов, православный христианин, РПЦ, 06:41 28 октября 2001 (0)
- Вряд ли это была архивная статья на Рейтере, кажется... Обскурант, весьма обскурантское, 16:51 28 октября 2001 (0)
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