Отправлено Сергей Скоморохов 10:16:13 17/06/1999:Так ли это? В одном англяз. форуме я прочел: "Can anyone confirm news that I recently read, where the Cathedral at the Pochaev Monastery (Ukraine) was given to the Uniates from the Orthodox by the government there. This would be a tragedy. The cathedral contains the miraculous Pochaev Icon of the Theotokos. The monastery also has the relics of St. Job of Pochaev a wonderworking saint who was dead set against the Unia and the machinations of Rome in that part of Ukraine."
- Re: Передача храма в Почаевском монастыре униатам? Анахоретъ 12:18:01 24/06/1999 (0)
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